HEIMATKUNDE – KA219 Strategic partnership for schools only
Liceo Artistico Musicale “A.Passaglia” participates in an Erasmus + project with two partners: Gymnasium Georgianum, Lingen, Germany and Petőfi Sándor Evangélikus Általános Iskola, Mezőberényi, Hungary.
The theme is: “What do adolescents mean today by roots, homeland”. The survey will be carried out through questionnaires and interviews summarized in short. After the discussion with the partners on the work carried out, during international meetings, the research will continue by interviewing non-EU students hosted in the reception centers.
The aims of the project are:
- to make students reflect on the concept of belonging / identity
- to develop a sense of belonging to the common European “homeland”
- to understand the suffering and problems of those who are uprooted from their places of origin
- to use multimedia to tell and spread this experience